Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday! lol

Whoopee, it's Friday! 

I like soccer!

Ducks are cool!

My friends rock!

It's 7:00 and I haven't eaten dinner!

I get to stay up as long as I want!

Ms. Erickson, Mr. Hettick, and Ms. Cooper are awesome teachers!

I'm listening to the Click Five and I have a new obsession for Taylor Swift!

My iPhone is cool!

All in all, I think you guys can all determine that I am happy. Very happy. It's been the longest time since we've had a sunny day here in Hangzhou and I feel like singing right now. So so happy. Except Gillian just sent me a message. On MSN.

"F*** you b***h"

It's safe to say that dampened my mood a bit. Oh well, here's how I replied.

"D**n you f***ing bast***"

Hope you don't hate me for saying that. 

See ya!

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