Friday, February 27, 2009

Siew Ting's Quiz, lol

Ooh, another quiz from the dear Siew Ting. Do you make these yourself? lol

[x] public speaking
[x] staying single forever
[x] rejection
[x] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] dogs
[] fish
[] spiders
[] flowers or other plants - what the?
[] that Scary guy
[] being touched
[] fire
[] deep water
[] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[x] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad - as in like friends, ya know?
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[] wind
[] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] heaven
[x] being robbed
[x] falling
[] clowns
[] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers- so as this
[]being alone
[x] becoming blind
[] becoming deaf
[x] growing up
[x] creepy noises in the night
[] bee stings
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[x] throwing up
[x] falling in love
[] super secret

I am so freaked out about becoming blind. *shivers*

So, I went to my dear friend Dione's house on Thursday, and yay! We had a sleepover. The next day was even more awesome, 'cause we made chocolate chip cookies covered in chocolate sprinkles, which was really really good tasting and we invited Jun over to eat it too. I regret it now. We had to share it with him D: Dione's mom is real nice and Duncan is real cute (in a baby-ish kind of way, lol) so all in all, I had a completely awesome time.

Hope I have as awesome of a time at the badminton tournament. -_-


P.S. Love y'alls.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

crush, lol

im so frickin' stupid!

i totally embarrassed myself in front of my crush (people who know me, ask me later on MSN or somethin') today after school.

God, it was pouring and i didn't have any clothes to pile on my head, so i put my shorts on my head because it was pouring and i didn't want my head to get dirty. Bad choice. Unfortunately, he was standing there and i walked up to the place with shorts on my head. It's even italicized to say how completely stupid i am. I probably looked like a complete freak.

Some sympathy, please?

The idiot,

Monday, February 23, 2009

boring day, lol

hi everyone,

what's up? I'm really bored and extremely tired and really pissed off because of... today. We started out with art, which was absolutely fine. Actually, pretty fun. Then we went to PE, and did badminton which was ok, not perfect, but ok. We learned to smash today, so, woohoo! After, we went to math, and our teacher gave us this kenken thing.

In case ur not chinese and you don't know what kenken means in chinese, it just means a toilet that is nothing but a hole. So we were laughing the entire math class because it was so funny and the teacher was like, "What the heck?" xD

Science was awesome and i found out that we're having a geology unit next, so bye bye mixtures and solutions! (In case u haven't noticed, i really really hate mixtures and solutions). After, we had lunch, which S&S, my best friends, had serious problems with. I didn't think it was that bad. anyways, after lunch i went to the library and borrowed some sort of book called, "Marked". Doesn't sound that bad and looks pretty cool. So after that, there was Chinese, which was pretty darn boring; and LA, where we were doing our mandala things.

After that came the subject of social studies, which really pissed me off. 

What the heck is wrong with Ms. Erickson? I swear, I really wanna kill her. I mean, I told her i wasn't going to the MUN conference, and she said:

'I'm very disappointed in you.' 

I mean, what the hell? It's an after school activity, woman. 

Whatever, I vented my anger out. Jeez, she's annoying at that. Otherwise, she's an ok teacher. Well, I just came back from After School Badminton which was soooo frickin' tiring. I swear, I'll die from young stress. 

Well, I'll say bye for now.