Monday, March 23, 2009

Shoot, lol

God, I am so frickin' sorry. For not posting on my blog. For letting you guys all down. I said I would keep posting. I am mean

Anyways, I'll just start again. I swear, this should not happen again. Notice the should

So... Let's see. This week is Spring Holiday, so woo hoo! and today I'm going to call up Stephanie and try to negotiate with her so we can have a playdate for our "LA projects." Notice the quotes. (And psssss.... Stephanie doesn't know, so don't tell her.) 

Also, on Wednesday, I'm goin' to Siew Ting's house for a sleepover. My mom has been begging me to take my sis along. I'm like -O_O- NO frickin' WAY! 

Anyways, Siew Ting, so once I come to your house, we're like going to like paint each other's nails right? And then we can give eachother makeovers and play with Barbie Dolls... It will be SO fun, like totally, like right?

ER, now, I'm sorta updating my Facebook thing. Y'all should try out Vampire Wars on Facebook. It's pretty cool. Um, that's about it.

Forgive me,
Milkshake o_o

Listening to: Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5
Eating: Omelets
Drinking: Er... Sprite ...?
Recent Happenings: Dying from guilt of not posting on Blogger.


  1. well since your cbox is gone ill just comment here =]

    u going to ST's house? that's awesome

    hope u have a great time there haha

  2. I was thinking that you've quit blogger XD

  3. YEA! Cumon! i said u would post!! arghh
