Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yellowstone. the world of NOINTERNETCONNECTION..

ok, i'm not even going to comment on how i haven't posted for about ... 4 months?!? Dont forgive me.

Yellowstone was absolutely AMAZING. OKAY!?!? it was almost worth the nointernetconnection. almost. there were animals everywhere; you have to get me to show you the pictures. bison -buffalo-, deeries, elk, evewything. the bears were sooooo coool.

i have so much i wanna tell you guys.

i have a new obsession with tank tops - like seriously, i bought a TON.

i'm going to make some sort of a drastic change to my hair.

i can't wait to see what alex looks like! -ook my obsession is getting a bit creepy-

obsession with icees. my new title.

i cannot wait for tempted to come out- i know i said i hated the night series, but come on, stark sounds sooooo coool -swoon- p.s. erik sucks, go stark xD

dr. pepper is made with ginger? disgusting!

hate hate ice skating. hate hate.

dang you chinese people? why? why facebook?

skinny jeans are soooo cool, but they don't look good on me :(

ehmagod, vans and converse rox!

the boys in HIS are a bit ugly -- you know compared to the random people you see walking by here in the states...

i seriously don't get how brandon can call me fat when we BOTH know how big the people get here.

i hate my sister. hate her.

i love my friends. i'm so glad i have a new one in the circle.


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